Wow. Let's just say 2013 was a whirlwind. I've learned more about myself, as a Mother, as a Working Woman, as a Human than I ever knew was possible. I have provided a list of some of the lovely things I learned this year for your entertainment and maybe even a little education. If anything, you will learn more about me than maybe you want to...?
1. Parenting Cliche's
Yep, I'm officially in da club. I must say... they are all true, sigh. I guess as a stubborn Aquarian (recently categorized myself as such, previously in denial), that when most of the world agree's on many of the same things I should pay more attenion. I get to be "that Mom" that repeats these same one-liners to other expecting parents. I now feel that I am an expert on all things Parenting up to age 1. Leah was born, November 14th, 2012.
2. Carrying the Load
The official "New Parent" luggage load. When Leah first arrived, I had an overwhelming amount of loot I felt I had to carry everywhere we went. You must be prepared for ANYTHING!! This is something I have been an expert at, as a Realtor we are constantly surprised by what may come our way, and experts at resolving. For example as a Mother at all times you must have 3 changes of clothes, snacks, bottles, diapers, wipes, shoes, coats, blankets, pacifiers, a Realtor, clients who say they "need AT LEAST half an acre of land, do not show them anything less" and when you show them just that...they say, "it's waaaay too much, how do you expect me to mow all of that?" Then half of your appointments for the day are cancelled, but because you expected this to happen, you have a secret stash of homes on smaller lots to show them. Or maybe a flat tire because you drove around new construction neighborhoods all day and picked up a few nails. biggest fear is to have to call a tow truck for myself and my lovely client because I never got around to replacing my spare tire from the last time this happend.....or changing a tire in my business suit. Or, maybe that would help the sale... Either way, I now walk out of the house with two diapers in my coat pocket, a case of wipes stay in the car at all times and my backseat is littered with toys, pacifiers and blankets. I just have my client's follow in their own car so in case there is a flat tire, I can at least hitch a ride with them.
3. Whomever Created Daycare is my Hero
Of course I do not look forward to taking Leah to daycare each day. However, I have NO idea how I would accomplish anything any other way. Leah goes to an in-home daycare and she loves much that she recently got upset when I showed up to take her home. She gets her love of being social from her Momma that's for sure. You can't threaten me with a good time!!! I still want to cry sometimes when I have to leave my friends too. Haha. I still am a firm believer that my daughter is so ridiculously cool that I should get paid for her to hang out at daycare, not me to pay them. It is nice to know that she is safe and entertained while I am out helping other families make their home dreams come true.
4. Multi-tasking
We all know that Women are amazing multi-taskers, if you don't know this then you have never met a Female =). So a Mother naturally has to multi-task to survive. Then add in there being a Realtor....oh wow. You can call me Super Realtor Mom. I should have a cape. Maybe that is my new angle. What would you think if I rolled up to show houses in a Cape? I like it. I now manage my life, my kid, my house and all of my clients lives at the same time. It's a juggling act and sometimes a few flames and knives are thrown in. Managing the lives and schedules of so many different types of people and all of their likes and dislikes is pretty darn incredible if you ask me. For many, it's like looking at a Sudoku Puzzle for the first time. Whoa.....
When you become a Realtor, you end up getting to know about every other profession ever created. If you have a client that travels the learn about the world. If you have a client that owns restaurants, you learn how to own a restaurant. If you have a client that is an Engineer (you have a mini panic attack), you become the most detail oriented person on the planet. Maybe we have multiple personalities, who knows. Sometimes it feels that way.
5. Temper Tantrums
I am actually quite thankful to have Leah to teach me how to have patience during temper tantrums. Now I know how to work with my clients when they have them too. Sometimes selling your home is not the easiest thing to do. People come in and critique your decor, the house you built with your own blood, sweat and tears. I get it. Not everyone shares in the same interests and it hurts to hear negative things about what you love. We just have to learn not to take it personally, take it for what it is and walk away from it. When Leah has a temper tantrum I try not to chuckle (it's slightly amusing, I must admit), but if it is not justified I turn my head and walk away. Good thing I never have temper tantrums...never ever (sarcasm)
I know that our kids learn from us but sometimes I feel like I learn more from Leah than she does from me! Either way, cheers to 2013 being fabulous and 2014 being even more FAAAAHHHBUUULLOUS!!
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